English 2 Mrs. Keene said one page. One entire page just about me. I thought hard, I thought long. How was I going to write a page? A page seems like a lot. 27 lines to be filled, just about me. I don't play sports, so no achievements to speak of. I'm no club officer, so clubs we shall not speak of. I guess the only thing to say is that I am me, and that is all that matters. I love writing poetry, especially when I'm mad. Stories are okay, but when by me, not so much. Nothing of interest, nothing to tell. I am me, and that is all that matters. Love Skillet with all my heart. Not the pan, but the band. Christian Rock is what I need, what I breathe. I am happy with a book to read. I am happy with my computer on. I am happy when I cook and sing. But I never follow the crowd, But the Lord, because I am me, and that's all that matters. [A/N] English assignment based off "Theme for English B" by "Langhston Huges." Written: January 2009