I awoke to the smell of blueberry pancakes. Sammie’s arm was lying across me as she lay on her back. As I tried to move her arm up, I woke her. She asked what she was smelling, and I told her the best pancakes in the universe. We fumbled around trying to get dressed to go downstairs. As we sat down, Sammie commented about how fluffy the pancakes looked. Joy said they tasted better than they look. We enjoyed a delicious breakfast and planned what we would do for the remainder of the day. As we cleared the breakfast dishes, Sammie saw Cody in my Mom’s study. She asked if she could go in and check it out. My mother said that it was okay as long as we were careful with Cody for he was expensive. Sammie was fascinated with the body system model that we had named Cody. My mother had bought it when she was studying to be a doctor. I pointed out the body part I had been discussing the night before. The adrenal glands were located on top of the kidneys. Sammie commented that they looked about the size of a walnut. I also showed her that each adrenal gland had two parts, the outer cortex and the inner medulla. I then told her what each part of the adrenal gland did. The cortex produces the hormones cortisol, aldosterone, and androgens. The medulla produces the hormone adrenalin (epinephrine). After Sammie was through exploring Cody, we went upstairs to my room. She asked what games I had for the computer. I immediately thought of Road Adventure USA. She had never heard of the game. I explained how it was played, and she agreed to try it. We had an incredible time traveling down roads as the clues led us to new places. I discovered my new found friend was pretty knowledgeable about the United States and its national landmarks. We were quite upset when Sammie’s Dad showed up in his grayish blue P.T. Cruiser. Our fun abruptly came to an end.